Here are clips from performances and events on art venue Atalante in Göteborg, Sweden. Filmed by Niklas Rydén or Robert Eklund.
The new serie at Atalante for contemporary music and sound art is called Ljudmatiné, The Sound Matinee. It is on sunday afternoons at three o'clock and there are scones and drinks in the bar. Ljudmatiné is a cooperation between Atalante and Svenska In & Uttrycksbyrån, with Rasmus Persson och Louise Waite. First out this sunday was Ito Oto on the Atalante sound matinee. Ito Oto is Rasmus Alkestrand from Malmö. See also Ito Oto The second act was Swote. Swote is Emma Augustsson (cello, voice) and Frida Rolfsdotter Thurfjell (sax, voice). See more at Myspace and Blogg. Last out this sunday was EchodeckEchodeck is Björn Klarström - guitar, Pontus Torstensson - drums, Sara Lännerström - film. See also Myspace.
Ito Oto
Siri and Snelle make dance for small children and come from Norway. Siri Jøntvedt och Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad guested Atalante with ”Svevning”. It was an audivisual piece for the very small children who also could participate in the second part. Siri & Snelle played four performances. This is an extract from the 40 minute long performance.
Atalante was this evening guested by Teresia Björk with two performances and two constellations of artists. Here she is together with the dancer Mike Gamble and the sound artist Per Åhlund in the piece The most pleasant of Dreams. And in the piece Skugga, Shadow, together with musician Mikael Godée.
The most pleasant of Dreams
The new serie at Atalante for contemporary music and sound art is called Ljudmatiné, The Sound Matinee. It is on sunday afternoons at three o'clock and there are scones and drinks in the bar. Ljudmatiné is a cooperation between Atalante and Svenska In & Uttrycksbyrån, with Rasmus Persson och Louise Waite. This was the second of the three occasions that will be this autumn. Three acts were presented. One every hour and in between there were good time for social activities in the foyer bar. First out was SÖNDERBYGGD with Olle Huge och Michael Idehall. They presented a kinetic sound sculpture that was produced and projected in realtime. The second act was PENTAPOLAR BIRDS, Trinidad Carrillo, with song and piano. Last out was TRAPPED IN A LOOP, Magdalena Ågren och Richard Widerberg, with a mix of loop-pedals and traditional instruments. Here are extracts from the acts. They were between 20–30 minutes each in their full length.
Pentalopar Birds
Trapped in a Loop
Tsuumi Dance Company visited Atalante with the performance Fragile – This side up. The performance was a part of The World Dance Festival that is arranged of a cluster of people round the culture house Oceanen. Tsuumi has a personal and unique way to mix folk dance and folk music with contemporary styles. The choreography is by Samuli Nordberg & Reetta-Kaisa Iles. Music is made of Hannu Kella & Antti Mäkelä. Performers are Hanna Korhonen, Ahto Koskitalo, Salla Korja-Paloniemi, Sami Paasila, Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Samuli Nordberg, Johanna Elovaara, Timo Saari and Hannu Kella. Costume is by Elina Vättö, light by William Iles and sound by Antti Mäkelä. This is 12 minute extract from the performance that is 50 minutes.
After the Tsuumi performance there was a seminar about world dance. The aim of the World Dance Festival in Gothenburg is to put the World Dance on focus, and to give all these fascinating dance expressions a chance to be a part of the dance art scene. Before the seminar the four of the thriving forces behind the festival showed a ten minute work in progress. Eva Milich, flamenco, Suzanna Bondesson, Tango, Anette Pooja, indiskt, och Marina von Schwerin, orientaliskt were together on the stage in this work. After this was a seminar about how we look at World Dance in the context of education and art. What is the status of the dances from all over the world? Are they art, entertainment or social dance? What about their struggling to become more accepted as art. Moderator was Marika Hedemyr from Crowd Company and Dansbyrån. The seminar started with two short introductions. First out was Beata Alfving, flamenco teacher at University of Dance and Circus, DOCH, in Stockholm, and after her spoke Martin Forsberg, choreographer with recent experience of working with folk dance. Here are both the introductions and the whole seminar.
The Gothenburg band Pacific! visited Atalante with their new project Narcissus. Daniel Högberg and Björn Synneby had invited guests, the singer El Perro del Mar and the choreographer Olof Persson together with the dancers Rebecca Evanne and Gunilla Jansson. Next year they will go on tour wiyh the project. Narcissus is also Pacifics new record on the label Vulture. This is a 9 min extract from 45 minutes performance.
Two choreographers shared this evening, with A Baroque Duet by Kenneth Flak and Pas de deux sans toi av Charlotta Öfverholm. This video is from A Baroque Duet and it is danced by Charlotta and Kenneth. Kenneth has also composed the music. This is a nine minute extract from a 30 minutes piece.
Who's cries for Jemma Blomhoff. This is a deeply personal performance with three women and three accordions. Anna Gustavsson is responsible for the music. Linn Hansén and Lina Ekdahl had written the text. Photo and film is made by Björn Hellström and costume and set design by Katarina Wiklund. This is a 25 minute extract from a 85 minutes performance.
Pervers Kroki, Perverted Croquis, is a concept developed by a network of designers and artists with a background at the academy for arts and craft, HDK, in Göteborg. They dress in designed outfits, play music and pose for the audience. The audience have paper and pencils, they sit on the floor, and are drawing what they are seeing. Pervers Kroki is also a fanzine where they publish some of the drawings from those events together with drawings by invited artists on the theme, Perverted Croquis. This was a release for their new edition. See also Pervers Kroki Weblog
In september 2010 Eva Ingemarsson Dance Production traveled to Klaipeda in Lithuania with the performance Defensa.It should be the opening performance of the three day Plartforma Festival. It was held in the port city Klaipeda. Here is 23 minutes film from the tour, festival, Klaipeda and Vilnius. It is shot with simple, consumer still cameras. Se also
Mats Persson is one of Sweden's most important pianists in the contemporary field of music. Here he does a combined talk and concert, reflecting different issues of the art. This program was a part of the opening of the new swedish national program for research in the art filed, as well as a start for the research program at the art faculty of Göteborgs University.More videos from the day can be found here: Atalante Vimeo
Professor Henk Borgdorff is from Amsterdam and an important name in the field of artistic research. Here he holds a lecture about methods of art and research. This program was a part of the opening of the new swedish national program for research in the art filed, as well as a start for the research program at the art faculty of Göteborgs University.More videos from the day can be found here: Atalante Vimeo
SU-EN Butoh Company guested Atalante with BLUSH – various shades of being alive. They showed a piece that they describe as a LiveMusicalButohActionArt - Installation. SU EN, performed together with Lina Palmgren, Frida Larsson och Marie Gavois. The live performed music was by Lise-Lotte Norelius and the live processing of Gunnar Stenings photographs were performed by .Fredrik Olofsson. The light is designed by Svante W Monie. This is a ten minute extract.
WELD was invited to arrange an evening at Atalante as a part of Göteborgs Dans & Teaterfestival 2010. They came to Atalante with Ingrid Cogne, Rudi Skotheim Jensen, Rasmus West, Sybrig Dokter and Anna Koch. They made a journey and disappeared and returned in the fog for half an hour. Here is an excerpt.
Sweet & Tender is a network of 52 artists from all the world. They are trying out new approaches to alternative art production. Nine of these arttists visited Atalante during the Göteborg Dans & Teaterfestival and made a performance with material from their work. Participants: Arvand Dashtaray, David Wampach, Marco Milic, Marianne Baillot, Pavlos Kountouriotis, Perrine Bailleux, Rani Nair, Sima Khatami and Valentina Desideri.
Eva Ingemarssons Defensa was first showed in the autumn 2009. Now it was back during Göteborg Dans och Teaterfestival. This original mix of dance, film, and words is performed by the dancers Siri Persson, Frida Moberg and Jerry Pedersen. Niklas Rydén have made the film and there are original music by Magnus Bergström, Daniel Rozenhall and Niklas Rydén. In september 2010 Defensa will be performed at a festival in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Here are a 13 minute video from an earlier performance. But you can see the actual performance in full length here: Part 1 | Part 2